
Smit Infotech’s Team specializes in understanding your customer’s journey from awareness to consideration to purchase. We can help you develop an online marketing strategy that helps create easy to find, engaging experiences that inspire action – from joining your social network community to buying your product to referring your brand to peers and social networks.

Let’s face it, today’s online market place is more competitive than ever. You need a digital marketing partner that not only understands the customer journey but how to develop an online marketing strategy that helps your brand become known as “the best answer” wherever prospects and customers may be looking: search, social media, industry media or email.

Our specialized marketing consulting services that include:

Content Marketing

Your online content impacts the way your prospects and customers find, think, and feel about your brand. Creative, innovative content combined with Search Engine Optimization and Social Media best practices is a killer combination that makes your business easy to find and attracts, then engages your target audience.

Search Engine Optimization

Smart companies seeking that elusive competitive advantage online see the greatest successes with a strategy that employs optimization best practices. SEO Plus takes into consideration search engines, social networks, and online news media preferences while catering to your customers’ needs.

Social Media Marketing

Understanding your audience is key to your brand’s success in social media. The B2B and B2C buying journey, from discovery to conversion, may extend over weeks or months of information gathering, consumption and for the good stuff, sharing.

Email Marketing

If you’re looking to add email marketing to part of your integrated online marketing program, our team of results-driven professionals can work with you to deliver a customer-centric program geared at converting and retaining customers.

Influencer Marketing

Smit Infotech’s unique approach to influencer marketing can help you reach your target audience by building relationships with influencers who already have industry authority and credibility.

Digital Advertising

Online advertising allows brands to reach out beyond their existing networks, to tap into new, highly targeted audiences via search, social or display ads. We ensure companies get the best ROI in social advertising through strategic planning, top quality ad creative, and ongoing campaign measurement and optimization.

Analytics & Conversion Rate Optimization

Understanding the path from discovery to conversion of your customers is key in determining what changes you can make to convert more customers. Our data-driven approach will help us determine which metrics are most important and what actions we can take to help you convert more customers.

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